The Wholesome Journal

Not All Carbs Are Created Equal.  Carbtastic Ways to Eat Healthy During the Holidays

Not All Carbs Are Created Equal. Carbtastic Ways to Eat Healthy During the Holidays

Wholesome Nutritionist

Article reviewed and approved by Justine Bender RDN, LD   “I’m so sick of eating carbs”.....said nobody ever! Carbohydrates are the lifeblood of the human race. We are built to...

Not All Carbs Are Created Equal. Carbtastic Ways to Eat Healthy During the Holidays

Article reviewed and approved by Justine Bender RDN, LD   “I’m so sick of eating carbs”.....said nobody ever! Carbohydrates are the lifeblood of the human race. We are built to...

Article reviewed and approved by Justine Bender RDN, LD  ...

Cycle Syncing - For A More Balanced and Energetic Life

Cycle Syncing - For A More Balanced and Energetic Life

Wholesome Story Dietitian Nutritionist | Justine Bender | RDN, LD

Women get a bad rap, and I think we all know why. Women are often considered to be “too emotional,” “moody,” “hormonal,” and other sexist terms that just aren’t meant...

Cycle Syncing - For A More Balanced and Energetic Life

Women get a bad rap, and I think we all know why. Women are often considered to be “too emotional,” “moody,” “hormonal,” and other sexist terms that just aren’t meant...

Women get a bad rap, and I think we all...

The Effects of Stress on Your Hormones - Why Chronic Stress is the Enemy When TTC

The Effects of Stress on Your Hormones - Why Chronic Stress is the Enemy When TTC

Wholesome Nutritionist

We’ve all heard it before and we know it’s true, chronic stress is bad for our health. It can lead to all kinds of health problems including insomnia, obesity, thyroid...

The Effects of Stress on Your Hormones - Why Chronic Stress is the Enemy When TTC

We’ve all heard it before and we know it’s true, chronic stress is bad for our health. It can lead to all kinds of health problems including insomnia, obesity, thyroid...

We’ve all heard it before and we know it’s true,...

Fresh and Local:  10 Reasons Why Buying Locally-Produced Food is Important

Fresh and Local: 10 Reasons Why Buying Locally-Produced Food is Important

Wholesome Nutritionist

Hippies get it. They buy most of their veggies from local farmers’ markets, co-ops, and gardens. They are willing to seek out and pay for tiny, deep red strawberries that...

Fresh and Local: 10 Reasons Why Buying Locally-Produced Food is Important

Hippies get it. They buy most of their veggies from local farmers’ markets, co-ops, and gardens. They are willing to seek out and pay for tiny, deep red strawberries that...

Hippies get it. They buy most of their veggies from...

What is PCOS? (Because People Should Know, and You’re People)

What is PCOS? (Because People Should Know, and You’re People)

Wholesome Nutritionist

We’ve come to realize that many of our readers have questions about PCOS. What is PCOS? What causes it? What are its symptoms? Can you heal it? PCOS stands for...

What is PCOS? (Because People Should Know, and You’re People)

We’ve come to realize that many of our readers have questions about PCOS. What is PCOS? What causes it? What are its symptoms? Can you heal it? PCOS stands for...

We’ve come to realize that many of our readers have...

5 Benefits of Berberine

5 Benefits of Berberine

Wholesome Nutritionist

Berberine sounds like an exotic, North African spice doesn’t it? At least that’s what we think, since the name is so similar to Berbere Seasoning, the famous spice mixture we...

5 Benefits of Berberine

Berberine sounds like an exotic, North African spice doesn’t it? At least that’s what we think, since the name is so similar to Berbere Seasoning, the famous spice mixture we...

Berberine sounds like an exotic, North African spice doesn’t it?...

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